This holiday season brings special challenges to many struggling families during the COVID crisis and uncertain economic times. For the past 14 years, Richard A. Zuber Realty has joined the U.S. Marine Reserves in their 70+ year Toys for Tots mission to provide happiness and hope to disadvantaged children.
Toys for Tots Mission
Toys for Tots collects and distributes toys in communities throughout the United States each year. The objectives of Toys for Tots include helping needy children experience the joy of Christmas, playing an active role in the development of the nation’s most valuable natural resource – children, uniting all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign, and contributing to better communities in the future.
Annual Toy Drive
During the annual toy drive, the Zuber Realty and Zuber Insurance offices collected hundreds of toys donated by the Boyertown, Pottstown and Royersford communities. Toys are distributed through local churches and social welfare agencies to children in need to ensure they have smiles on their faces at Christmas. The Toys for Tots program is a wonderful opportunity for the Zuber staff and our community to share the holiday spirit and give back each year. It’s a tradition we look forward to, and we thank you for your donations!